
Barcelona Town Hall / Internal Communication Department
To create an internal digital newsletter for sharing all the information that affects the organisation’s workers as well as any events and initiatives that may interest them. The newsletter is monthly and has a keyword search tool and an archive of past issues.
We designed a corporate newsletter that was understandable and easy to read, with photographs and clearly delimited sections. It sits on the Town Hall server, is sent via email and can be read from a variety of devices. The editing and layout of each issue are done within one week.
What we did
The design and the integration into the Town Hall’s IT system. Every month we do the editing of texts and photographs and the lay out of the issue.

UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
To offer an online version of all the complete issues of the corporate magazine Walk In; to enable articles or entire issues to be downloaded in PDF, ePub or Issuu format.
The UOC was standardising the formats of its online magazines through shared content management. The magazine Walk In used to be printed on paper, plus it had its own mini-site within the UOC portal. Once the content manager was defined, it was also used to publish Walk In.
What we did
We implemented the original design of the magazine according to the manager’s wireframes and converted the content of all the issues into PDF, ePub and Issuu format. We also added videos and other materials.